The contribution of calcium hypochlorite to public health protection

10:46 | 08/08/2023

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Drinking water, swimming pools, and industrial water systems are just a few of the surfaces and settings that calcium hypochlorite (Ca(ClO)2) is used to clean and sterilize. Since more than a century ago, calcium hypochlorite has been used to purify water, and several studies have shown how successful it is in eradicating bacteria and stopping the spread of illness.

Early in the 19th century, hypochlorite's antimicrobial capabilities were discovered. Antoine Germain Labarraque, a French scientist, discovered that hypochlorite may clean and freshen up odorous regions around 1800. hospital wards and sewage-filled streets are two sources of offensive scents. By the middle of the 19th century, hypochlorite was commonly used to disinfect drinking water, hospitals, and other public areas in both Europe and North America. Early in the 20th century, calcium hypochlorite was generally approved for use as a water disinfectant, and it has been in use ever since.

Calcium hypochlorite characteristics

White crystalline powder known as calcium hypochlorite is very soluble in water. While it is stable under normal circumstances, it can degrade quickly in acidic environments or when exposed to heat or light. When calcium hypochlorite combines with water, hypochlorous acid (HOCl), an active disinfectant, is produced. A potent oxidant called HOCl destroys microorganisms by rupturing their cell membranes and denaturing their proteins.

public health

Calcium hypochlorite's uses in the purification of water

Calcium hypochlorite is frequently used in water treatment to sterilize and disinfect water before it is served to the general population. To eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other microbes that may be present in the water, water treatment facilities add calcium hypochlorite to the water. It is particularly powerful against pathogens that live in water, including Escherichia coli, Cryptosporidium, and Vibrio cholerae.

The concentration of the calcium hypochlorite solution varies depending on the use and is frequently added to water. The quantity of calcium hypochlorite needed for water treatment depends on the kind of water being treated and how thoroughly it has to be disinfected. Between 0.2 to 5 parts per million (ppm) of calcium hypochlorite are necessary for the treatment of water.

There are various benefits of using calcium hypochlorite for water purification. It works well against many different microorganisms, including parasites, viruses, and bacteria. It is quite affordable, simple to use, and leaves no aftertaste or smell in the water. It is also a common option for water purification in rural regions since it is simple to carry and store.

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